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InBody BWA
Guide d’interprétation de la fiche de résultats

Comment lire, comprendre et utiliser la fiche de résultats InBody BWA pour votre entreprise

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    *Champs Obligatoires



    Que disent les gens à propos de la fiche de résultats InBody ?


    "The information on the InBody then creates the
    questions that you ask, and it pretty much dictates
    the way the conversation goes with the patient."

    Dr. Tricia PaulsonTrue Health Naturopathic Medicine

    "The InBody is just another touch point in a coaching-based facility
    that gives us the opportunity to restate our position and what they need
    to be doing, or maybe shift gears, or maybe guide our clients into another
    solution. It’s key for us."

    Rick MayoAlloy Personal Training Solutions

    © 2018 InBody